Measuring the Business Impact of Open Source & OSPOs

TODO Group | OSPOlogy

Feb 2, 2022, 4:00 – 4:45 PM

130 RSVPs


About this event

As much of the open source story focuses on community and public commons, organizations are not always financially aligned towards these goals alone. Successfully pitching the value of open source to an organization requires a focus beyond the bottom line, as well as identifying the appropriate analogues for your organizational stakeholder. In this talk, we share what we have learned about demonstrating the value of open source, working with stakeholders to identify their needs, and how to define success metrics for open source within an organization.


Audience will learn about the evolving needs of businesses in relation to their open source organizational life cycle

Audience will walk away with a framework to identify stakeholders to open source in an organization

Audience will get a high level overview of how to define success metrics for open source, along with a few specific use cases which walk through applying the method to demonstrate sample metrics


  • Amanda Casari


    Open Source Scientist


  • Ana Jimenez Santamaria

    TODO Group | The Linux Foundation

    OSPO Program Manager


  • Chris Aniszczyk

    Linux Foundation


  • Ihor Dvoretskyi


  • Ana Jimenez

    TODO Group Program Manager

  • Shilla Saebi

    Collaborator | TODO Steering Committee Member

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