When Ant Group cold-started the OSPO, they realized that the need for an OSPO comes from the fact that promoting open source as a corporation is intrinsically harder because there are higher overall costs and risk exposure, and it takes longer to build momentum.
In this discussion, our panelists will delve into the best practices of Ant Group, a Chinese tech company, for managing Open Source Programs shared in this article (https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MC.2022.3219638). The focus will be on summarizing the roles and challenges faced by Ant Group in implementing these practices.
This will be a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the world of open source program management and learn from the experiences of a major player in the industry in China.
East China Normal University
Ph.D. candidate
Ant Group
Head of Open Source Program Office
TODO Group, Linux Foundation
OSPO Program Manager
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