OSPOlogyLive Malmö

Thursday, May 30th to Friday, May 31st

Join the fourth OSPOlogyLive Europe in Malmö (part presentations, part roundtable sessions) to help organizations navigate Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) operations and management in European regions. OSPOlogy Live is hosted by the OSPO at IKEA and co-organized with Linux Foundation Europe, InnerSource Commons Foundation, OpenChain, SPDX, CHAOSS, TODO Group and OpenSSF projects.

OSPOlogyLive Malmö is intended for people engaged in OSPOs or similar initiatives (FOSS Offices, Open Source Centers, etc.), and ISPOs (InnerSource Program Offices) across companies based in Europe. As seats are limited to 50 people, we recommend that attendees RSVP in advance

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.

InnerSource and Culture

Strategies for adopting open source practices within organizations to foster innovation, efficiency, and a collaborative culture

EU Regulation and Collaboration

Explore the impact of EU regulations on the collaboration between businesses and open source foundations, and how these laws shape open source practices

Insights from SBOM Land

Recent developments and best practices in Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), focusing on enhancing transparency, security, and compliance in the software supply chain.

Measuring Success

Explore methodologies for assessing the impact of open source contributions and the cultural shift towards open collaboration, combining OSPO and InnerSource metrics

OSPO and ISPO Journeys

Sharing open source and InnerSource journeys from businesses across sectors established in Europe and Sweeden

📝 Schedule and Program

All times are in Central European Summer Timezone (CEST)

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM (15 mins) ✍️ Registration 9:30 AM – 9:45 AM (15 mins) ⭐️ Welcome (intro to organizers, host, and advisory board) 9:45 AM – 10:00 AM (15 mins) 💬 Open Source and InnerSource journey at IKEA | Supriya Chitale - IKEA 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM (15 mins) ☕️ Coffee Social 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM (45 mins) 💬 How to maintain software security and license compliance in a world of AI-generated code | Gary Armstrong - FOSSID 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM (15 mins) ☕️ Coffee Social

11:15 AM – 12:00 AM (45 mins) 💬 Updates on EU Policies (AI Act and CRA) | Cailean Osborne - LF Europe

12:05 AM – 12:55 AM (45 mins) 💬 OSPO’s OKR | Mary - Volvo 13:00 – 14:00 AM (60 mins) 🥗 Lunch & Networking

14:00 - 14:45 AM (45 mins) 💬 Reporting from SBOM land - recent developments and best practices | Thomas Steenbergen - OSS Review Toolkit

14:45 - 14:55 (5 mins) ☕️ Break

14:55 - 15:40 AM (45 mins) 💬 Open source in Automotive: health analysis and risk management | Johan Linåker - RISE

15:45 - 16:45 (60 mins) 👩‍💻Roundtables (part 1):

A) Practical issues on how to consume proprietary and open source products -including open AI models- and contribute to (Lead By Cailean Osborne)

B) To be elected by Attendees (Lead by Sean Goggins)

16:45 - 17:00 (15 mins) ☕️ Break

17:00 - 17:10 (10 mins) 👩‍💻Roundtables (part 2):

Shared learnings with the group (leaders of each roundtable present key findings to the audience and next steps)

17:10 - 17:15 (5 mins) ⭐️ Wrap-up and social gathering details (Attendees on their Own)

9:00 AM – 9:15 AM (15 mins) ☕️ Coffee Social 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM (45 mins) 💬 OSPOs in the Gen AI age | Jim - Ericsson, OpenChain

10:05 AM – 10:50 AM (45 mins) 💬 The open source and InnerSource virtuous cycle Tom Sadler - BBC, InnerSource Commons

10:50 AM – 11:00 AM (10 mins) ☕️ Coffee Social

11:00 AM – 11:45 AM (45 mins) 💬 OSPO and InnerSource metrics & CHAOSS tooling Sean Goggins, Ana Jiménez - CHAOSS

11:45 AM – 12:00 AM (15 mins) ☕️ Coffee Social

12:00 AM – 13:00 PM (60 min) 👩‍💻Roundtables (part 1):

A) Best practices for OSPOs to help security teams secure software supply chain: processes, communication channels and tooling (Lead by Ana JIménez) B) To be elected by Attendees (Lead by Sean Goggins)

13:00 PM – 13:45 PM (45 mins) 🥗 Lunch & Networking

13:45 AM – 13:50 PM (10 mins) 👩‍💻Roundtables (part 1):

Shared learnings with the group (leaders of each roundtable present key findings to the audience and next steps)

13:50 AM – 14:00 PM ⭐️ Wrap up

Download Program

🙋‍♀️ About Unconference Roundtables

Roundtables are a format of open forum discussions designed to illuminate common questions and challenges in a particular field. They serve as a collaborative platform where participants can come together to explore solutions, share best practices, and collectively overcome obstacles. In these sessions, the meeting notes are taken with great care to ensure anonymity and inclusivity. These notes are then shared in the OSPOlogyLive repository under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) license. This open-access approach allows for the broader community to benefit from the insights and solutions generated during these discussions, ensuring that the knowledge and ideas developed are freely available for everyone to reuse and build upon. Roundtable sessions are led by community participants. These sessions are divided into two categories: Featured Roundtable Sessions and Unconference Roundtables. Featured Roundtable Sessions are pre-defined topics. In the unconference Roundtables, the topics for these sessions are elected by the attendees on the same day, allowing for the exploration of current and emerging issues that are most relevant to the participants. Getting there Information

Take direct train from Copenhagen airport to Malmö Hyllie station. From there you can either take public transport yellow bus (Bus number 300 or 150) or green bus (Bus number 10) all the way to the office. Name of the final bus stop is Drakagatan/IKEA (see attached map). The easiest way to get all the information on how to travel to and from Hubhult is to download the app Skånetrafiken. From this app you also buy tickets for both train and bus. Hotel Information Please note, rooms might sell out in advance. We encourage you to book early to secure a room. The venue has not contracted rooms at these properties and cannot guarantee rates or availability. Quality Hotel View Hyllie Stationstorg 29, 215 32 Malmö Next to Hyllie train station Best Western Malmo Arena Hotel Hyllie Boulevard 12, 215 32 Malmö 400 metres from Hyllie train station Scandic Triangeln Triangeln 2, 211 43 Malmö 20 mins by bus from office Comfort Hotel Malmö Carlsgatan 10 C, 211 20 Malmö Next to Central train station

Venue Information Älmhultsgatan 2, 215 86 Malmö All visitors are required to sign in at the entrance. Please bring an identification card.


  • Ana Jiménez Santamaría

    TODO Group, Linux Foundation

    Project Manager - Open Source Office

  • Thomas Steenbergen

    OSS Review Toolkit

    Open Source Maintainer

  • Sean Goggins

    University of Missouri | CHAOSS

    Social Computing & Open Source Software Researcher

  • Jimmy Ahlberg


    Director Open Source Policy

  • Gary Armstrong


    Senior Director of Operations and Head of Professional Services

  • Supriya Chitale


    OSPO Manager

  • Mary Wang

    Volvo Cars

    Director of Open Source Ecosystem

  • Johan Linåker


    Senior Researcher

  • Cailean Osborne

    LF Europe

    Senior Researcher

  • Thomas Sadler

    BBC, InnerSource Commons

    Principal Software Engineer



May 30 – 31, 2024
7:00 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)


  • Dutch Employee Insurance Agency



InnerSource Commons logo

InnerSource Commons

OpenSSF logo


Open Chain Project logo

Open Chain Project

LF Energy logo

LF Energy

TODO Group logo

TODO Group

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Linux Foundation Europe logo

Linux Foundation Europe

Foundation for Public Code logo

Foundation for Public Code