CitrineOS Release 1.3: It has never been so easy to build your own CSMS

LF Energy

Sep 26, 2024, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

35 RSVPs


About this event

LF Energy's first CitrineOS webinar, presented in partnership with S44 Energy, is designed for developers and product owners who want to revolutionize charging management for electric vehicles.

In this session, we take a deep dive into the latest advancements that come with the current 1.3 release by showing and telling the developer experience it provides:

- OCPI 2.2.1, focusing on seamless roaming features that improve the user experience across different charging networks.

- Payments: We will explore the integration of payment systems

- Smart Charging: Critical for optimizing energy consumption and cost efficiency.

Discover how LF Energy CitrineOS provides tools to simplify the development of your own Charge Station Management System (CSMS) by providing open source innovations to streamline your projects and pipelines. Don't miss the opportunity to learn the basics of EV charging technology and take your solutions to the next level.


  • Thana Paris


    Director of Open Source

  • Christian Weissmann


    Senior Software Engineer

  • Alex Thornton

    LF Energy

    Executive Director



Thursday, September 26, 2024
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


4:00 PMIntroduction from LF Energy
4:10 PMOCPI 2.2.1 / Roaming
4:20 PMSmart Charging
4:30 PMPayments
4:40 PMQ&A


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